Psst hey i know who you are hail sithis
Psst hey i know who you are hail sithis

Instead, you have been systematically killing off all the members of the Black Hand! J'Ghasta, Shaleez, Alval Uvani, Havilstein Hoar-Blood - Speakers and Silencers all. Then, betrayal! Your dead drops went unvisited, your targets ignored. After that, you eliminated the Draconis family, as ordered.

  • "Your first dead drop contract, you carried that out, killed Celedaen.
  • You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
  • "No! No, I'm too late! I thought I could get here in time, thought I could stop you! By Sithis, what have you done? What madness has claimed you? You have betrayed me, you have betrayed the Dark Brotherhood! Why? I am here to end your miserable life, to.
  • You'll need a clear conscience for what I'm about to propose.
  • "You sleep rather soundly for a murderer.
  • "Dear Brother/Sister, I do not spread rumors.
  • Secondary (Guild) Quest characters The Dark Brotherhood Lucien Lachance Lift your eyes to Carac Agaialor, my seat at the pinnacle of Paradise. If you are truly the hero of destiny, as I hope, the Garden will not hold you for long. Behold the Savage Garden, where my disciples are tempered for a higher destiny: to rule over Tamriel Reborn. You didn't think you could take me unawares, here of all places? In the Paradise that I created? Look now, upon my Paradise, Gaiar Alata, in the old tongue.
  • "So, the cat's-paw of the Septims arrives at last.
  • psst hey i know who you are hail sithis

    "Lord Dagon will welcome your soul in Oblivion!".

    psst hey i know who you are hail sithis

  • ↑ ,Open Source Shakespeare, Julius Caesar.
  • The shape of the future, the fate of the Empire, these things now belong to you." When the next Elder Scroll is written, you shall be its scribe. The Third Age has ended, and a new age dawns. I take my place with my father, and my father's fathers. I go gladly, for I know my sacrifice is not in vain. The last of the Septims passes now into history. With the Dragon's blood, and the Amulet of Kings, we have sealed the gates of Oblivion. We must kill whatever comes out of that gate! Soldiers of Cyrodiil! Do you stand with me?"
  • "Soldiers of Cyrodiil! The Empire will stand or fall by what we do here today! Will we let the daedra do to Bruma what they did to Kvatch? Will we let them burn our homes? We will let them kill our families? No! We make our stand here, today, for the whole of Cyrodiil! We must hold fast until the Hero of Kvatch can destroy their Great Gate.
  • (Example: "A tongue shriller than all the music calls me." ) It is perhaps worth noting that Uriel Septim's dialog borrowed at times from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Then the stars were right, and this is the day.
  • (when the player starts his/her first conversation with him) You.
  • psst hey i know who you are hail sithis

    These are the closing days of the 3rd Era.and the final hours of my life." This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh, 433. Behold, in darkness a doom sweeps the land. I have seen the Gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see. But for all these years, I've never been the ruler of my own dreams. For 65 years I've ruled as Tamriel's Emperor. Main Quest characters The Septims Emperor Uriel Septim VII

    Psst hey i know who you are hail sithis